Monday, December 17, 2012

Gun Control

I believe there should be tougher gun control because guns are sold to the wrong people. In these times any and everybody can purchase a gun. I think there should be some investigation behind a person before they are able to purchase a gun. Many people are buying guns and doing careless things with them. Prime example, little kids was murdered in Connecticut for no reason. Well, there was just a man who had purchased a gun , probably unlawfully, and killed innocent kids. This should not continue to happen , there should be STRONGER GUN CONTROL !

Friday, November 30, 2012

Yearbook ads fieldtrip

Yesterday on the field trip to Camilla I learned that when selling ads you have to have good eye contact, know everything about what you doing, and talk clearly. I learned when going into a store talking about selling something you have to be all about business. Also, working in a team is better because you have those to input what you may have left out. Being in teams looks good especially when you are dressed a like; people will respect us going out and trying to sell ads. We sold a couple of ads yesterday and we did it as a team, a whole group is better than one person doing it all. I have learned a lot by going on this field trip.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Black Friday

Black Friday is a day after Thanksgiving that stores have amazing sales and discounts. You can get things that are a high price for a low price.
1. Yes, I really enjoy shopping a lot.
2. Yes I have gone Christmas shopping plenty of times for my family.
3. After Thanksgiving and/or Christmas of course.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Black Friday

Black Friday, is a day when you can get things that are very high for a lower price. They be the best deals you will see all year.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Field Trip Evaluation

1. I wasn't allowed to go on the field trip to Camillia because I didn't wear my Yearbook T-shirt.
2. If I was a teacher and my student didn't have a part of their uniform I would still let them go, because atleast they had a part of their uniform.
3. I learned that you have to follow a dress code hen doing something NO MATTER WHAT !
4. I could try and wear my Yearbook shirt but if I cant find it i just can't find it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 was tragic day; all the moms, dads, uncles, cousins, aunties, sisters, brothers, and friends who were killed. I don't understand how you could just go through with taking somebodies family through something like that. I understand how it feels to loose/continue to grow up without your dad, and to think that another little girl had to go through that is just heartbreaking. Who ever did this don't have any kind of heart or soul in their bodies, they are just heartless. The families who lost their loved ones/couldn't find their love ones; my prayers goes out to them from the bottom of my heart. Honestly, when this took place and I became old enough to understand what was going on, I felt that there's no place where you are entirely safe. It made me value my life and the ones in it. R.I.P to all the ones who lost their lives. :,(

Monday, August 27, 2012