Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 was tragic day; all the moms, dads, uncles, cousins, aunties, sisters, brothers, and friends who were killed. I don't understand how you could just go through with taking somebodies family through something like that. I understand how it feels to loose/continue to grow up without your dad, and to think that another little girl had to go through that is just heartbreaking. Who ever did this don't have any kind of heart or soul in their bodies, they are just heartless. The families who lost their loved ones/couldn't find their love ones; my prayers goes out to them from the bottom of my heart. Honestly, when this took place and I became old enough to understand what was going on, I felt that there's no place where you are entirely safe. It made me value my life and the ones in it. R.I.P to all the ones who lost their lives. :,(

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